Ministerial Formation Certification Agency

Who We Are

An agency of the Reformed Church in America preparing and credentialing future ministers of Word and sacrament

The Ministerial Formation Certification Agency of the Reformed Church in America serves the RCA by:

Our Specific Purpose

Coordinating the process of preparing individuals for ministry of Word and sacrament

The MFCA has separated the preparation for ministry into five interrelated areas:


Minister of Word and Sacrament

The Individual


Personal sense of call The Church (others) affirm

The Local Church

The individual, as an active-confessing member of the congregation (minimum of one year), goes to the consistory and requests to be enrolled as a candidate for ministry. The consistory then applies to the classis on behalf of the applicant.  Form 1

The Classis

Upon the consistory's recommendation, the candidate is asked to appear in person before the classis or its committee for an interview. Areas of discussion will include the applicant's character and behavior; physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and educational qualifications; and the motives that lead the applicant to seek the ministry as a vocation. If the classis is satisfied, the applicant is received "under care" and enrolled as a candidate for ministry.

At this point the "dual-track" system kicks in where the classis shares responsibility for the process with either the RCA seminary or the MFCA. Form 2 

The Certificate of Readiness for Examination

Immediately following the enrollment of a candidate for the ministry, the classis shall petition the General Synod on behalf of the candidate for a Certificate of Readiness for Examination. Such a petition must be received a minimum of twenty-four months prior to the time it is to be given final disposition by the General Synod through an RCA seminary or the MFCA. RCSC Form 5  and AAR Form 5A 


Once the candidate has received the Certificate of Readiness for Examination and passed the classis exams for licensure and ordination, she or he will be eligible to have the classis ordain upon the receipt and acceptance of an official call into a specific ministry. Form 6 .

Form No 1 (2).pdf
Form No 2.pdf
Petition For Alternate Means.pdf
Form 5A.pdf
Form V Petition for a Certificate of Readiness for Examination.pdf
Form No 6.pdf