MFCA: The Approved Alternate Route (AAR)
The RCA provides an alternative route to seminary training for some ministry of Word and sacrament candidates. This alternative—known as the Approved Alternate Route (AAR)—is defined by the Book of Church Order (BCO) in Chapter 1, Part II, Article 12, Section 4. The General Synod of 2015 approved major changes to the BCO description.
The Ministerial Formation Certification Agency (MFCA) has appointed a Certification Committee that will determine whether an individual is eligible for the AAR process. The committee will evaluate and approve the AAR program proposal presented by the classis and assess the candidate's fitness for ministry. Based on this assessment, the committee will recommend granting or denying the Certificate of Readiness for Examination. The Certification Committee will include two General Synod Professors of Theology, two RCA ministers of Word and sacrament, and two RCA elders.
Once an individual is received as a candidate in the AAR process and a program is approved, the MFCA will supervise the candidate's progress. The classis will conduct the regular assessment required by the BCO Chapter 1, Part II, Article 11, Sec. 6. When the candidate has satisfied the requirements of his or her program, the candidate will ordinarily attempt the final examination for the Certificate of Readiness for Examination as administered by the MFCA. The examination stretches over a period of about five months. It includes a written portion, an oral portion, and an interview with the Certification Committee.
2015 Book of Church Order
(Chap. 1, Part II, Art. 12, Sec. 4)
The Approved Alternate Route
A candidate for the ministry who has not received the degree of Master of Divinity or a degree that is its equivalent from a seminary that is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools or by a theological accrediting agency of comparable standards as determined by the Ministerial Formation Certification Agency may qualify for the Certificate of Readiness for Examination provided the following conditions are met:
a. A consistory shall recommend an individual as a candidate and the classis shall assess the candidate's call, gifts, and experience in accordance with the standards requisite for the ministry of Word and sacrament.
b. The classis shall determine: (1) the candidate has at least five years' ministry experience which prepares the candidate for leadership as a Minister of Word and sacrament; (2) the candidate gives evidence of the call, gifts, and experience for the ministry of Word and sacrament; and (3) the candidate, for compelling practical reasons, cannot complete a master of divinity degree at an accredited seminary.
c. The classis shall petition for a Certificate of Readiness for Examination on behalf of the candidate to the Ministerial Formation Certification Agency. If that agency rejects the petition, it shall clearly state its reasons. The classis may reapply.
d. Upon admission, the classis and the Ministerial Formation Certification Agency shall together develop a program that will allow the candidate to satisfy the requirements for the Certificate of Readiness for Examination.
e. When the candidate has completed the program, the candidate shall be examined for the Certificate of Readiness for Examination by the Ministerial Formation Certification Agency. The method of assessment shall be culturally and linguistically appropriate.
f. When the candidate passes the examination, the Ministerial Formation Certification Agency may award the Certificate of Readiness for Examination.
The sponsoring classis and the MFCA Director will together propose a program for each candidate. The Certification Committee will review the proposal and determine the actual program. In developing a program, the proposal should address the following concerns:
The applicant's spiritual, moral, social, relational, psychological, emotional, and intellectual qualities
The applicant's promise and potential for ministerial leadership
The applicant's doctrinal views and theological understandings
The applicant's familiarity with the RCA and commitment to its mission
The applicant's capacity for growth and continuous learning
Each proposal must include the following elements:
A written description of the knowledge, competencies, and values the applicant brings to the process, and of what the candidate will need to do to meet the requirements for receiving a Certificate of Readiness for Examination
A spiritual autobiography by the candidate
Provision for the candidate to be examined and interviewed by the Certification Committee
A credo written by the candidate
Biblical language courses, at minimum an online biblical tools course
Provision for the applicant to complete core courses in RCA theology, history, liturgy, polity, and mission offered by one of the RCA seminaries, or to demonstrate a solid knowledge and understanding of these subjects
Provision for the applicant to complete a unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) or to submit the evaluation report of an already completed CPE unit
Provision to take seminary courses in areas where deficiencies have been identified; normally, all academic work proposed is to be taken at an ATS-accredited seminary
Each proposed program will be reviewed by the Certification Committee and will be approved, modified, or denied. The Certification Committee will communicate its action to the classis.
If the proposal is denied, the classis may revisit the program, modify it, and request that the committee reconsider its decision. If requested, the committee normally provides instructions as to what changes would be necessary for reconsideration.
Approval of a program commits both the classis and the candidate to the agreed-upon requirements.
"In-process" modifications to the program must be submitted by the classis to the Certification Committee for its approval.