Courses of Study
All MFCA Candidates taking courses through NBTS and/or WTS must register through MFCA. Please send the enrollment forms at the bottom of the page to If the MFCA office does not have your official transcript, please provide one. Candidates must also register and pay for each course using the links below.
These courses are only available to MFCA candidates.
MFCA Spring 2025 Courses
When an MFCA candidate registers for a required course for CRE Qualification the term audit is used on the seminary registration form. However, to meet the RCA requirements for the Certificate of Readiness for Examination (CRE) the MFCA requires the coursework to be submitted, and a grade must be earned at the conclusion of the course.
Please allow me to highlight that courses this semester at Western start January 6, where courses at New Brunswick start January 27.
Accessible through New Brunswick Theological Seminary (NBTS)
January 27 - May 17, 2025
(All students must complete the attached Non-NBTS Student Registration form and submit it to
RCA Studies History, Mission, & Worship (DS508-01)–Instructor, Dr. J. Brumm, offered fully online with synchronous and asynchronous online learning. Tuesdays, 6:30–9:00 pm (EST)
3.0 Credits - $1,875 / CRE Qualification - $450
HISTORY AND MISSIONS (PART III) The purpose of this course is to assist the student in understanding the historical development of the Reformed Church in America, with a special emphasis on the role and theology of its mission programs, within the context of the history of the global Christian church. The student will become conversant with the arc of RCA history and with how to engage primary source materials to dig deeper into that history and connect it to the work of local congregations, classes, and synods. WORSHIP (PART IV) This course is designed to introduce students to the Liturgy of the RCA, with special emphasis on how to lead worship, and especially the sacramental liturgies, creatively and meaningfully. Students will become familiar with the construction of the liturgies, the theological assumptions behind them, and will learn how to construct and adapt the liturgies in ways appropriate to the contexts in which they will serve. Prerequisites: CH510, CH511, MS565 (Seminary course prerequisites can be discussed/clarified with the MFCA registrar.)
Registration Closed
Our Christian Traditions in Context - CREDO (IN531-01)–Instructor, Dr. Jaeseung Cha, offered fully online with synchronous and asynchronous online learning. Saturdays, 8:30–11:00 am (EST)
(4 required online synchronous sessions.)
3.0 Credits - $1,875 / CRE Qualification - $450
This course will guide the student in a statement of faith that expresses the student’s understanding of the Christian faith responsive to the theology of his/her tradition and is appropriate to the context in which she/he ministers. It is recommended that students register for this course in the final year of their program. This is the equivalent of the MFCA Credo course.
Prerequisites: OT510; NT510; PC510; IN511; CH510 & 511; TH520 & 521; ET520; IN520 (SEminary course prerequisites can be discussed/clarified with the MFCA registrar.)
Registration Closed
Accessible through Western Theological Seminary (WTS)
January 6-April 25, 2025
(All students must complete the attached Non-WTS Student Registration form and submit it to
Credo (TH490-DL)-Instructor, Dr. S. McDonald, offered as an asynchronous online learning course
3.0 Credits $1,305 / CRE Qualification $450
In this senior seminar, students will write a paper of approximately 25-35 pages in which they will give an account of their personal theology by articulating their beliefs concerning the central loci of Christian teaching, in conversation with their respective denominational traditions, and in language that can be understood by an educated church layperson. Prerequisite: RCA Standards and 2 semesters of Systematic Theology. (Seminary course prerequisites can be discussed/clarified with the MFCA registrar.)
Registration Closed
Christian Interior Life (MN336-DL)–Instructor, Dr. C. DeGroat, offered an asynchronous online learning course (A 3-day on-campus intensive will be part of this course February 14-16, 2025) This course is an alternative to the CPE requirement.
3.0 Credits - $1,405 / CRE Qualification - $550
This course explores the ways in which a minister’s life history, spiritual growth, and vocation intersect and shape his/her personal and professional identity. Students will reflect on their own psychological and spiritual development and their opportunities for personal growth. They will develop their own particular plans for self-care.
Registration Closed
Biblical Interpretation for Ministry (BL120-DL)–Instructor, Dr. C. Pierce, offered an asynchronous online learning course. This is a special Hebrew and Greek tools course available by permission only. Contact Kelly Talsma at if you have an interest in taking this course.
CRE Qualification - $450
This course explores biblical interpretive methods and online study tools and their application towards ministry settings. No language prerequisite.
Registration Closed
Seminary course prerequisites can be discussed/clarified with the MFCA registrar.
Courses are only available to MFCA candidates.
MFCA Fall 2024 Courses
When an MFCA candidate registers for a required course for CRE Qualification the term audit is used on the seminary registration form. However, to meet the RCA requirements for the Certificate of Readiness for Examination (CRE) the MFCA requires the coursework to be submitted, and a grade must be earned at the conclusion of the course.
Accessible through New Brunswick Theological Seminary (NBTS)
August 26-December 14, 2024
(All students must complete the attached Non-NBTS Student Registration form and submit it to
RCA Church Studies: Standards & Polity (DS507-01)–Instructor, Dr. M. van Maastricht, offered fully online with synchronous, Tuesdays, 6:30–9:00 pm (EST), and asynchronous online learning.
3.0 Credits - $1,875 / CRE Qualification - $450
STANDARDS (PART I) The purpose of this course is to assist the student in obtaining an understanding of the history, content, and use of the Standards of Unity of the Reformed Church in America. The student will learn the historical contexts of their origins, the meaning of the standards within the framework of the history of theology and situate the standards within the life and ministry of the contemporary church. POLITY (PART II) This course is designed to introduce candidates to the office of minister of Word and Sacrament in the Reformed Church in America to the government of the Reformed Church in America. Students will learn the theology and polity that is expressed in the Book of Church Order and will learn how the polity works in the life and witness of the church. Prerequisites: CH510, CH511, TH510, TH511. (Seminary course prerequisites can be discussed/clarified with the MFCA registrar.)
Course Closed
New Testament Greek I (NT511-01)–Instructor, Dr. J. Pettis, offered fully online with synchronous, Wednesdays, 6:30–9:00 pm (EST), and asynchronous online learning.
3.0 Credits - $1,875 / CRE Qualification - $450
This course is designed to introduce the student to Greek grammar and to develop superior skills in translating New Testament texts in service of the church and the community. No Prerequisites.
Course Closed
Accessible through Western Theological Seminary (WTS)
August 26-December 13, 2024
(All students must complete the attached Non-WTS Student Registration form and submit it to
RCA Standards & Polity (TH421-DL)-Instructor, Dr. Komline, offered as an asynchronous online learning course
3.0 Credits $1,305 / CRE Qualification $450
This course introduces students to the standards and polity of the Reformed Church in America. Students learn about the history and content of the Book of Church Order and the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, the Canons of Dort, and the Belhar Confession, and apply these documents to life in the church today.
Course Closed
Bibical Hebrew (w/Lab) (BL310-DL)–Instructor, Dr. West, offered online synchronous with a three-day on-campus intensive (October 16-18, 2024)
3.0 Credits - $1,305 / CRE Qualification - $450
An introduction to biblical Hebrew in its cultural context for those who seek to interpret the Bible faithfully and fully. Using multi-sensory and interactive approaches, students will learn the basic vocabulary, grammar, syntax, and worldview of the Old Testament. (This course has an intensive component where students are required to be on campus October 16-18, 2024.
Course Closed
Seminary course prerequisites can be discussed/clarified with the MFCA registrar.
These courses are only available to MFCA candidates.

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